Contributions were presented to  the IETF (Bejing, China, November 7-12, 2010 ), introducing extensions to the Path Computation Element communication Protocol, or PCEP (draft-ietf-pcegmpls-pcep-extensions-01, draft-gonzalezdedios-pce-resvres-context-state-00, draft-zhao-pce-pcep-interdomain-p2mp-procedures-06).

STRONGEST participated in the Socio-Economics of the Network of the Future workshop (Brussels, 18 October 2010) with an invited statement in the discussion about "The price of quality in telecommunication networks", giving an overview of the end-to-end QoS assurance in transport networks.

STRONGEST participated in the Converged and Optical Networks (CaON) cluster workshop held in Stockholm, 6- 8 October 2010, organized by the Cluster coordinator M. Popov. The workshop represented an informal discussion in preparation for the CaON official cluster meeting, to be held in Brussels on 20 October, 2010. STRONGEST also had the opportunity to present its objectives and preliminary results to the Photonics (area Communication Networks) Concertation meeting 2010.

The Project actively partecipated in ECOC 2010 (Turin, Italy, 19 - 23 September 2010), through some of its partners, that co-chaired the conference and some sessions, and presented several technical papers.

STRONGEST participated in Future Internet & Mobile Summit (Florence, Italy, 16-18 June 2010) with two presentations: “STRONGEST: Challenges for Network Architectures” and “Green features of STRONGEST”. During the summit, A. Di Giglio also participated in a panel discussion about “Power savings in next generation Internet”.

STRONGEST presented two papers at the 15th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications 2010 (Faro, Portugal, 9 June 2010): “Migration steps towards STRONGEST architecture” (J. F. Palacios) and “Efficient Sub-wavelength Switching Based on Hierarchical Traffic Aggregation” (A. Stavdas).

The second STRONGEST plenary meeting was held in Munich (Germany) on 18-20 May 2010, hosted by Nokia Siemens Networks.This meeting was mainly focused on the presentation of the Project Management Plan as aand to the sharing of preliminary results obtained by the technical work packages.

During the “Future Internet Cluster Meeting”, that was held in Sophia Antipolis on 9 March 2010, first contacts were established among STRONGEST and the other FP7 projects ETICS and GEYSERS.

The STRONGEST project contributed to the Future Networks 5th FP7 Concertation meeting that was held in Brussels on 26-28 January 2010. In that event a short presentation about STRONGEST objectives and workplan was given.

The STRONGEST kick-off meeting was held in Turin (Italy) on 19-21 January 2010, hosted by Telecom Italia. During the meeting the activities of the various workpackages were presented and discussed. The General assembly agreed on the year workplan, on the establishment of relationships with other FP7 projects (ETICS, MAINS and GEYSERS) and on the presentation of project contributions to various events in 2010.